Saturday, April 18, 2009

Don't be paralyzed into failure

Economic crisis got you frozen with fear?

Don't allow yourself to be paralyzed into failure! Now there is
a better way...

Seize control of 2009 starting TODAY!

The sooner you take positive action the faster you'll be on the
road to rising above the recession.

If you could reach just one goal this year, which one would it

How much of a difference in your life would it make if you
reached it?

Will 2009 be just another ho-hum year that started with good
intentions? Or will it be YOUR Year!

Things are tough for some people right now, and they may be
getting even tougher.

But that's EXACTLY why today, more than ever, you need a little
something extra. You need an edge... you need an advantage
unlike anything you've ever had before.

Those who give in to fear and anxiety....those who are cowed and
paralyzed by uncertainty and confusion....those who pull back
and withdraw and wait....are guaranteed to see their worst
fears realized. Waiting for things to change is a losing

Holding on to see what happens suck you down the drain so fast
you won't know what happened. Making things change for you is
the only way to win. That's fact.

It's also fact that "what you focus on expands."

So what would you like to focus on in 2009?

Maybe it's:

* Paying off your bills?

* Rebuilding your financial portfolio?

* Buying or selling a house?

* Growing or starting a business?

* Getting away from it all and taking a vacation?

* Reaching your perfect weight?

* Preparing for retirement?

* Taking that exotic vacation you've been dreaming of?

Only you can decide which goals you want to achieve. Only you
can accept the responsibility for making it happen.


Here it is life will only change if you want to change it , take a try, it won't hurt in life we don't loose at all it's always a win win situation, most of the time we learn a better way to do something and a way not to .

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year’s Resolutions Be Realistic .

This is a time where people are really talking about New Year's resolutions, a new begining, a new starts. It's a brand new year, brand new day and they'd really love to break free of some of the old stuff 'habit'.

I was at Church the other morning 'new year's day' and of course, Church is busier than it's been all year. But give it a couple of weeks, and it's probably going to be back to normal again. One of the Pastors came up to me, and thought he was making kind of cordial talk and he said, 'Hey, it's a new year. Do you even remember any of your resolutions?" I said "Well, absolutely, I do" and he said "Well, how many have you forgotten ?" and I 'm like "No, I really haven't." But you know that's kind of the current state of affairs.

What a lot of us do, we set those New Year's resolutions and then, if we're not careful we don't check in to see how we're doing until New Year's next year. And so, what I really encourage people to do is find a point of inspiration. You know, we tend to over-estimate what we can do in a year and under-estimate what we can do in a decade. You know, so many of us want to turn around, you know states of affairs that we've created over years and years of habits in a second and it probably isn't going to work.

You don't turn a battleship around on a dime. You know, you turn it around over time staying the course and holding steady. So what I would encourage everyone to do is find a program like 'i can do it'.This program, as much, if not more, of anything I've ever been exposed to will get you clear, not only of what you're capable of creating, but exactly how to do that. So when you sit down, which I ask you to do in the program and define your vision for your life, come up with something that really inspires you.
You know, something that, that makes you enthusiastic because if you set some kind of goal or vision for your life that is someone else's. It's not going to inspire you, and you're probably going to burn out.
And that's where I find a lot of people who are depressed. You know, a lot of people who are overwhelmed or are not excited about their life. When I begin to talk to them, they're living someone else's life. It's more noble to imperfectly pursue your own passions than to perfectly pursue someone else's.
It's a brand new year, brand new day and you can do it.

NB: Please leave a comment. Thanks

You can have it all.

Above all, you must believe that you have the potential to do just about anything you dream of.
success, prosperity, joy,a home,good health, free stuff.
Whether or not you realize it, average people actually make it possible for other average people to become winners.
This is the time to evaluate yourself and your future. It takes some real, heart felt honesty.
If you really want to change your life for the better, here is how to start.
NB: This will only help you when believe + the GOD factor 'what is the GOD factor i know you ask, the GOD factor simply mean what you know and understand about the word of GOD and act on it'.
Above all, you must believe that you have the potential to do just about anything you dream of doing and that you can become just about anybody you want to become.
We all have our perceptions of the ideal life. It can be obtaining financial freedom or Good health. The truth is, many people fail to achieve their dream because they can't be real about what they wantand also have a clear pictures in their mind of what they really want out of life.
You may have already thinked of what would be your ideal life. You quickly dismissed the thought because you had no idea how to get there or, perhaps, you think too lowly of yourself.
Print this article and, over the next few days, go on journey that, I promise, will be a life-changing experience. As you move through these steps, write it all down in a notebook. Write down every thought, feeling, and every 'hm! hm!' moment!
Imagine I am face-to-face with you right now asking - 'What is it that you really want more than anything?'
Can you tell me? If not, you need to move through the rest of this article.
Start by letting your thoughts run wild, then focus on identifying that one overwhelming desire that you keep going back to in your mind. Don't be swayed to change your mind at this point. If you give up easily in this first step, you are already beaten before you start. Maybe you're still a bit confused and aren't sure what you really want in life? Here are the 8 Powerful Questions you must answer to have the Ideal Life!

Answer these questions as honestly as you dare!
1) What are your passions?
2) What would be that one thing that would make you happy?
3) What are you constantly thinking of day and night?
4) what take your time mostly, and you love it 'not sleeping',i mean something Good?
5) What do you want to do with the rest of your life?
6) What makes your heart beat with excitement?
7) What one thing makes you jump for joy every time you do it or see it done by others?
8) What makes you feel successful when you do it?
Write down all your possible answers to the above questions. Write down everything, no matter how silly or unimportant it seems. You can have more than one answer for each question at this point.
The Bible says you are not to 'think too highly of yourself, nor, too lowly.' It's a balance. What if you would really like to be involved in pro football? You could do something related to football. How about starting a sports website or blog? even a gym could be the answer. Maybe get a job with a pro team in the front office or coach a local team. The point is, no matter what your dream, don't limit any choices until you have examined each one. When you identify a need, fill it using your talent and ability.

Don't go to sleep tonight without making a choice about how you really want the rest of your life to go. Hold onto that thought as you fall asleep. When you awake, start the day focusing on how to make it possible and make a living at it.
Begin living every day as if you are running out of time, never leaving anything to be done next week, next month, or next year. Absorb information and advice from people who already 'know' how to do what you want to do. When you know what they know, you will be doing it too.
It won't be easy. There will always be bills, things will always break down eventually and need replacing, but there is only this one life for you to live. Don't allow anything or anyone to toy you from your dream. This is how winners - win!
Remeber the GOD factor, Remember your GOD in the days of thee youth

NB: Your comments are welcome, please leave a comment. Thanks

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Your Life,Your Time

Life is all about time the time you failed and the time you succeed.

The responsibility of working hard, planning and living a successful and fulfilled life falls on you. This simply means that from this point forward, the burden of shaping your adult life, is on you . The sooner you realize this, the better!The most important question to ask yourself is;

what can I do today
This week
This month
This year, to get my life going in the direction I desire or want?

If you truly believe that there is more to you than meets the eye, stop making excuses, and start living your best life today!If you are either on the verge of giving up, or are sick and tired of being mediocre, you can make a decision to start winning, by casting a YES vote in your favor today! Believe in yourself…you can make something of your life. Just don’t give up!

6 most important life management questions:

1. What?
What do you want to do with your life? This is probably one of the most important questions that you will ever answer. The answer to this question will lay the foundation for your destiny.Once you have clearly identified what you want to do with your life, it then becomes the focal point of everything you plan to do. Knowing what you want to do gives you clarity and a much needed sense of purpose. It also prevents you from engaging in side tracking, time wasting ventures which have no connection to your purpose.

2. Why?
Understanding the importance of why you want to achieve certain things in your life, is the motivation that will drive you to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself.Why do you want to achieve these goals you have set for yourself? Why do you want to stop a habit? Why do you want to start your own business? Why do you want to boost your self esteem? The answers to these questions must be compelling enough to move you into action.

3. Who?
In order for you to achieve certain things, you need to take on certain qualities. Who do you need to become as you strive to achieve your goal? Do you need to become more confident, committed and action oriented? Do you need to become a risk taker? Do you need to be more assertive? Identify the qualities that you need to adopt in order for you to achieve your goals.

4. How?
How are you going to manage your life as a project? How are you planning on achieving your objectives? Do you have a step by step plan? Certain tools need to be in place to help you tie together all the pieces of the project you plan to accomplish.Having a plan is very important because it is the road map to your goal. It will help you know what information you require to make each phase of your life a success. For example..if you want to stop a habit, how do you plan to stop it? If plan A fails what is plan B?

5. When?
Every goal you set must have a deadline and any plan you have, must cease from just being a plan, turn into action and produce tangible results. When are you going to be done with at least one specific goal you have set out to accomplish? Your life is a what you do with time. If you want your plans to materialize, start taking action today!

6. You?

The question of you is in you , every person has an in built ability from the creator 'GOD'. the god factor is one thing i can't just forget. There is a spiritual side to every thing, either you are a Christan, Muslim,bu dist what ever you choose to be remember this PRAY!

Your Life,Your Time!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Challenges. 2

Many of us live a life that is not really admirable because of the limitations that we have placed on our imagination.

It is a known fact that it is really difficult to get to the top of our careers in life nevertheless, it is an achievable feat.

Why do we need to rise above mediocrity?
How can we achieve this?
How long will it take us to become who we ought to be in life? We can rise above the waters, barriers or limitations;

1. Strategy for success: This means we need to sit down and scheme very well for success.

2. Mobilizing all the forces of success: We need to move all the factors that can land us into a lovely level in life i.e. people, yourself, resources, concepts.

3. Confessing positive words always: Believe in the power of positive words and use it often.

4. Association: works with other people who share your dreams with you.

In a nutshell, your mentality, activity, relationship and your territorial affinity determines your progress in life. Use all these forces productively.

It is quite easy to rise from any position when you know where you are. We need to know the level we have found ourselves so as to know the type of ladder we need to climb in order to be on top. Waters may take forms such as financial, Emotional, physical, Educational or vocational in nature. Read on as I throw more light into the topic:

Financial Waters: Money answers all things.
A lot of us are broke at a point in time but that is still bearable. Being in financial waters signifies the state of financial hopelessness. The only way out is to create money making channels.
This can be achieved by bringing concrete ideas into the practical business world and profiting in it i.e. selling of brand names, patent, concepts and so on.

Emotional waters: This deals with issues that affect the soul, heartbreak or death of a loved one, Failures in life and so on. You can rise above this situation by Listening to soul inspiring Music, Motivational messages, attending social gatherings, Singing hymns on your own, playing games, attending inspirational seminars.

Physical Waters: Some of us have one physical limitation or the other.
It may be short height, flabby body, and frail body structure and so on. The moment we discover that we can do something about it, let’s go to work i.e. eat well, engage in exercise, diet if necessary.
However if these things are in the circle of no control, we need to accept ourselves, celebrate ourselves and be nice to ourselves.
You can have a close look at most of the world leaders and you will discover they vary in stature and appearance yet they are well known celebrities.

Remember the strength you need is all in you. Be hopeful


There are three lovely women responding to life's challenges differently.

While the first looks dejected;
The second looks stressed up;
However the third Lady is radiating "sunlight Smile".

The truth about the matter is that LIFE has a lot of pleasant and unpleasant surprises for us. The way we respond to those surprises will determine how far we will go in life.

Note this; people will disappoint you, disgrace you or probably break your heart. It is your own responsibility to be the MAN or the WOMAN of your own destiny. When all men fumble; never let the courage within you which is a catalyst of lone achievements ever fail you!
We all have been configured by "The Supreme Master of the Universe" to be the best of our kind.
There are ocean of resources within you and that can cause us to achieve our highest ambitions in life!


All you need is to pick up the pieces; look into a mirror and all you see is the real you .